We are Ntropy

Banking data, decrypted. 

Technology and regulation have made banking data more available than ever. Yet data is one thing. Extracting value from it is another matter. It’s a challenge that significantly limits the capabilities of engineers and businesses to change the status quo.

Ntropy provides developers with a platform that eliminates the complexity from financial data. We free engineers and businesses to focus on innovating new products rather than decoding messy transactions.

Our models incorporate multiple data points across both individual companies and entire industries. In doing so, we offer the scope, the granularity and the scale to a new generation of data-driven products and high-value results.

Our ethics and process for success

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Our Team

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Join our growing team sending your profile to jobs@ntropy.network !

Ready to get started?

Ntropy can turn your raw transactions into rich data with enhanced merchant information and custom labels.

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